Client: Southeastern Massachusetts Food Security Network
Date : Phase 1- Dec. 2015-2016 / Phase 2: 2016 - current
Location : Southcoast region, MA
Key Collaborators: Southeastern MA Food Security Network / City of New Bedford
Funding Source: Southeastern MA Food Security Network / Partners for Places
The Growing New Bedford Community project is a community based design and planning effort focused on expanding the reach and impact of community gardens and urban agriculture within New Bedford, MA. The scope of project includes: outreach, research, education and community organizing through a collaborative planning and design process. This process strives to establish commitment from residents, organizational partners and the City of New Bedford.
The main goal of this project is to help stakeholders across the city to recognize and harness existing local resources, designing a source-to-distribution process for increased food security through an urban agriculture initiative. This creates “a situation in which all community residents can obtain a safe, culturally acceptable, nutritionally adequate diet through a sustainable food system that maximizes community self-reliance and social justice.” Through education, community organizing, research and design , we continue to advance this project with the Southeastern MA Food Security Network.
Currently, Terra Cura is conducting Phase II research to understand the purpose of urban agriculture and the regional role it plays in food security. Integral to the process is facilitating the organizational development of Food Security Network's role to support Southcoast’s Food Security.
See Phase 1 Planning Report Below:
Community Design Session Highlights: