Healing the world place by place, person by person.
To inspire self, group and land care;
Through direct service and long-term capacity building;
Such that our roles evolve in resonance with changing needs of a place.
Ecological Health
Social Equity
Cultural Celebration
Systemic Impact
Direct & Indirect Approach
At Terra Cura, we strive towards enduring systemic change. Each project or activity can serve as an acupuncture point for building ecological and social-economic health. We offer two types of Community Engagement and Design services:
Direct Service
Regenerative Development Practice (RDP)
Learn more about our approach and service details below.
Questions? Contact us at
Why do we differentiate Direct Service from RDP?
While both types of services are essential and can exist independent of each other, each works on different levels of complexity, and they support each other when developed together. Our current culture tends to focus on changing what we do (direct services), without changing who we are. The indirect work of RDP intentionally shifts this focus, enabling organizations and projects to do more effective direct work.
We believe that long-term regeneration comes only if a group is willing and able to develop their capabilities over time. Coupled with a shared understanding and vision derived from the changing needs and uniqueness of a place, this allows a group to evolve their roles effectively.
“To make real change, one must work indirectly on deeper levels (of truth) rather than directly on illusions. ”
When we speak of Regenerative Development Practice, what does it mean?
We mean (re)generating the spirit of people (our will to act), our capabilities (e.g. emotional intelligence, worldview, skills), and the outward expression of our roles (e.g. projects, policies, businesses, infrastructure). It is no accident that most spiritual, indignenous wisdom teaches that profound change can only come from transforming ourselves first. Without clarity on how we experience and respond to the world, how can we make conscious decisions on how and what we do? Even if we attain our goals, how can we sustain it?
Terra Cura works with our partners and their mission (how we be when doing what we do) over time, helping them develop their own process of understanding and management of their motivations, decisions, will and roles . This is our approach to capacity building*. In other words, the RDP process builds a culture of empowerment -- awakening our innate tendency to evolve, especially when we feel connected to a larger sense of purpose.
Like a renewable energy source, the ability to inspire and grow such culture is a far more effective change-making engine than relying on garden variety best practices to drive behavioral changes (zero-sum transactions, punish vs. reward), no matter how well-intended. When this culture allows a shared purpose to apply itself towards the well-being of a place, regeneration and healing is possible.
*Capacity Building is a broadly used term. What it is not in RDP:
Telling stakeholders what to do. Instead, we develop people’s capabilities to observe and drive change from their source of motivation
Forcing. Instead , we invite, evoke inspiration and curiosity
Controlling outcomes. Instead, we practice differentiating direct results from indirect outcomes, systemic effects, working from potential rather than problems
Gardens & permaculture Workshops
Rekindling people’s connection to earth through growing food is a powerful way to heal. From lowering food miles, growing nutrients-rich soil, supporting mental health to celebrating cultures etc., growing food addresses public health at all levels -- body, mind, spirit. The effects of growing food are direct and accessible, an important catalyst for regeneration. See sample projects:
Plymouth Food Access Project
Rivers Edge Residence
Compost In Somerville Workshop
Placemaking and Design
Our team and partners bring together diverse experience in the fields of education, permaculture, architecture, landscape design, resiliency planning, organization development, living systems thinking. For projects with education and/or sustainability focus, we offer design services tailored to our partners’ mission. See sample projects:
Somerville Community Growing Center Renovation
Green Innovation Center for DRRHS
Capacity Building for Change Making
Cultivate individual and group ability for reflection. To consistently be, think, act in a way that actualizes higher order value
Develop a shared purpose
Grow a culture of learning and practice
Story of Place
Discover unique patterns of a place
Develop change-making roles and direction that aligns with the essence of place
See sample projects:
Kinship Farm
SCGC Strategic Planning
“My experience working with Terra Cura has been marvelous. Adam and Eva offers a wealth of expertise in design, consulting and planning, which they leverage to illuminate possibilities for a project, focus the group’s vision, and engage creatively with stakeholders and community members to collaborate in executing plans. They combine sophisticated philosophical frameworks for ecological, social and design thinking with practical, hands-on knowledge, energizing everyone in the process.