Story of Place is grounded in the premise that inhabitants become divided due to different ways of thinking about what is best for their place, rather than by a lack of care for its well-being. This process uncovers the ecological identity and cultural characters of a place, defining “how life works here” and “what doesn’t.” Key patterns that hold true across the place’s ecological, social, and economic systems emerge, speaking to people’s lived experience.  By elevating the ability to think creatively and collaboratively, Story of Place provides an unparalleled foundation for planning and project development of collaborative networks.

  • An approach to co-create a shared narrative based on unique potential of a place and people, beyond fragmented issues.

  • A systematic research methodology that aligns stakeholders around a clear, fact-based understanding of the unique potential of their place.

  • A process that allows problems to fall into their true systemic context.

  • An engagement method that can inspire and galvanize diverse stakeholder groups from a place of care and harmony, as opposed to fear and compromise.

  • It is a developmental process, a practice. It is not a change management event.

Our Story of Place process was founded on the pioneering efforts, advice and partnership with Regenesis Group.